Sunday, January 26, 2020
Role of Study Center in Higher Education
Role of Study Center in Higher Education THE ROLE OF STUDY CENTER IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN INCREASING LINKAGES AMONG INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT (TRIPLE HELIX MODEL) Alimatus Sahrah Faculty of Psychology, University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Abstract Triple helix model which requires the existence of linkages Industry University Government is believed to accelerate the achievement of the Indonesian Developmental Vision of 2020. Case study of the existence of Study Center in Higher Education, conducted using SWOT analysis method, proven able to improve the linkages among Industry University Government. Triple helix model facilitates the creation of mutual collaboration among the three parties involved. It is hoped that a more open relationship and mutual benefit will be conducted between the academics and the government, academics and business, and business and the government. Key word: Triple Helix Model, Linkages among Industry University Government, Study Center in Higher Education, SWOT analysis INTRODUCTION According to Legislative Act Num. VII/MPR/2001 on November 9, 2001 on Future Vision of Indonesia, Indonesian Vision of 2020 is to make Indonesia as a religious society, humane, united, democratic, just, prosperous, advanced, independent, and good and clean in the nation administration. It is also important to note that the achievement of Vision 2020 took place in an era of global free trade, in which Indonesia is also a member of ASEAN, should succeed the ASEAN Vision 2020, and also because it is also a member of APEC, it must also succeed Digital Economy of APEC. Thus the nature of life in the era of globalization characterized by liberalization of trade and investment could no longer inevitable. Even developed countries already preparing themselves to face the situation by futurologist Keniche Ohmae (Lukita. ) called the borderless world situation. This trend makes the trade growing so rapidly, that no longer able to predict the direction of its development. The development of thes e global world enormous changes forces every country, including Indonesia, to encourage the acceleration of technology and knowledge as a basis of its competitive excellence. One of the significant changes in the world today is an international economic development that leads to a Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE). In this KBE, knowledge and innovation are considered more influence economic activity, which will ultimately determine the economic welfare of the people of a country. Rapid technological development affects competition and rapid changes in business environment. The factor of such technological development is a determining factor of a company success, because it will be directly related to the companys management effectiveness in producing the knowledge to create new technologies. This condition occurs in both the industry and national economy (governance) level, that the industry or economic performance depends on the ability to process knowledge in creating innovation. In order to anticipate the changes above, then the Higher Education needs to change the educational paradigm from the old industrial education pattern to a new industrial entrepreneurial education, to encourage the creation of knowledge based economy. In this case, knowledge is power is useful to improve competitiveness of the nation. Therefore, the Higher Education as knowledge-producing institution needs to improve management of its organization in order to accelerate the achievement of the nations vision. The Role of Higher Education as a motivating factor ofÃâà knowledge production is first mentioned in the form of Mode 1, which is a modality of knowledge production in which knowledge is produced in the context of a particular discipline, now shifts to the modalities of Mode 2 knowledge production, in which knowledge can be produced more spread, not only centered on the university, thus enabling the cooperation between the industry university government that has the same interest in problem solving (Gibbons in Hidayat, 2001). The issue of linkage between industry and university R D institution is a central issue in the discourse of science and technology policy. In the discourse of science and technology policy in Indonesia is often discussed the importance of the concept of Triple Helix model and the concept of ABG (Academician, Business, and Government) in the development of science and technology (KRT, 2001). ABG concept refers to a condition in which the R D in universities and government, and industry in a strong bond, which allows for cooperation and synergy among them in the development and utilization of science and technology. Therefore, programs that allow for the linkages among the three pillars become indispensable. Referring to the three pillars of linkages with the Triple Helix model, the Ministry of Research and Technology with a program of RUK (Riset Unggulan Kemitraan/Competitive Research Partnership) provide incentives to programs that conduct research cooperation among university R D institutions, industry and government. This is also supported by the development of the developed countries that encourage such cooperation, so that can make a tremendous acceleration in the development of their knowledge and technology. A Study Center in Higher Education was formed to be a forum of interdisciplinary study in a particular field. Study Center was founded with the intention that the University can increase productivity and innovation of products or services are produced to the public. Thus, the existence of Study Center in Higher Education should be able to help the College or University in their task of Tri Dharma. In general, according to Pedju (2009) universities should be able to go forward and be able to create strategies to develop the nation (university led development strategy), because almost all the aggregates in the modern university is able to support it, especially with government policy that has facilitated the education budget of 20% as now it is. Only Pedju (2009) still questioned the existence of the modern mindset of existing human resources to be able to represent the vision and mission of the university towards a knowledge-based society. Referring to the description above, this study aimed to review whether the presence of Study Center in Higher Education can play a role in strengthening links among universities industry government (triple helix model) in order to prosper the nation. In this case the Study Center should be interpreted as the spearhead of Higher Education to produce knowledge that creates innovation in the achievement of the vision the nation itself. TRIPLE HELIX MODEL: Universities, Industry and Government Triple helix is a term used to name a concept of university-industry-government partnership that synergize in developing the capacity and functioning of S T (Science Technology) for the nation development processes (Sasmojo, 2011). Etzkowitz, (2008) defined Triple helix as the three different spheres of business, higher education and public institutions working together on new tasks and in new fields. These three spheres together, and not only by themselves, make it possible to obtain an enhanced outcome from the cooperation and invested capital, in the form of innovative new products and solutions. A triple helix regime typically begins as university, industry and government enter into a reciprocal relationship in which each attempts to enhance the performance of the other. Each institutional sphere is thus more likely to become a creative source of innovation and to support the emergence of creativity that arises in other spirals. Through this model, Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000) and Leydesdorff and Etzkowitz (1998) tried to analyze new form of institutional forces in innovation system (Fig. 1). Interactions among actors in innovation systems are Further explained in more detail by the Triple Helix Model. The triple helix is a spiral model of innovation that captures multiple reciprocal relationships at different points in the process of knowledge capitalization (Etzkowitz, 2002). The first dimension of the triple helix model is an internal transformation in each of the helices, Such as the development of lateral ties among companies through strategic alliances or an assumption of an economic development mission by universities. The second is the influence of one helix upon another. The third dimension is the creation of a new overlay of trilateral networks and Organizations from the Interaction Among the three helices, formed for the purpose of coming up with new ideas and formats for high-tech development. The triple helix denotes the university-industry-government relationship as one of relatively equal, yet interdependent, institutional spheres overlap and take the role of the other. Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000) wrote on three Kinds of triple helix model: Triple helix model where there is great role of a country in directing university and industry and the relationship the between them. A strong version of role can be founded in the countries left by Soviet and East Europe, while softer version can be founded in Latin America and some European countries like Norwegian. This kind of Triple Helix model can be shown in Fig. 2. This first triple helix model is described as a model fail by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff. With low bottom up initiative, innovation is lacking of appropriate stimulus. The second triple helix model consists of separate institution with rigid boundary circle dividing three of the actors and describe separate relation one to another. This model occur as a respond to the first model of the which bring the policy of laissez-faire (free competition) lowering the role of the country as shown in Fig.3. The last model indicates the presence of knowledge infrastructure in the form of piece of institutional roles sharing the circle each other in form of hybrid organization shown in the three interfaces of the circle. This model is developed country mostly implemented in the more directed to the forming of relations. This model is shown in Fig.4. KIN (Komite Inovasi Nasional) (2011) berpendapat bahwa tiga pilar penopang sistem inovasi menurut konsep model triple helix, yakni (1) Perusahaan, yang dalam hal ini dapat melakukan pembelajaran teknologi secara interaktif, aliansi teknologi dan pengetahuan, kemitraan litbang, dan pengembangan human capital dalam melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan.Ãâà (2) Institusi pendidikan, yang dalam hal ini dapat melakukan pendidikan dasar dan lanjutan, pelatihan vokasional, perlindungan HKI, kemitraan litbang, pengkajian, perluasan informasi teknologi; (3) Pemerintah, yang berperan dalam pembuat regulasi dan insentif. Misalnya regulasi pajak, persaingan sehat, alih teknologi, standard pengelolaan dls. Konsep ini seperti dijelaskan Pedju, 2009 pada Gambar 5. KIN (Komite Inovasi Nasional/Committee of the National Innovation) (2011) argues that the three pillars supporting the innovation system according to the concept of the triple helix model, namely (1) The company, which in this case can do an interactive learning technology, alliancesÃâà technology and knowledge, R D partnerships, and human capital development in research and development. (2) Educational institutions, which in this case can do the primary and secondary education, vocational training, protection of IPR, R D partnerships, review, expansion of information technology, (3) The Government, which plays a role in regulatory and incentive. E.g tax regulation, fair competition, technology transfer, standard management, etc. This concept is as described Pedju, 2009 in Figure 5. STUDY CENTER IN HIGHER EDUCATION SWOT ANALYSIS This research takes a case study of 10 profiles of various University Study Center in Indonesia. From the profile of the study centers can be described that: The background of the formation of Study Centre: To search for potential or rare resources, through a particular approach (typical), in order to obtain the maximum benefit to the public long term welfare and to enhance the competitiveness of nations in this competitive era, so that it is necessary to have a place to examine certain forms of management that can increase economic productivity by leveraging existing resources. Vision of the Study Center: To realize a study center that became the motivator and the driver for socialization and development of innovation and improves productivity with a particular approach, in order to realize a productive, prosperous and globally competitive industrial community. Mission of the Study Center: (a) Increasing awareness of industry and society to Product Development and Innovation, (2) Provide assistance to the industry in improving the Product Development and Innovation. (C) Encourage the creation of the community who appreciate the Product Development and Innovation. Goals and Objectives Formation of Study Center: (a) Develop subjects related to the formation of Study Center to help the process of learning and teaching in the faculties concerned; (b) Develop Study Centre management in the broadest sense in an interdisciplinary manner to obtain an increase in productivity with quality expected, (c) Develop an interdisciplinary collaboration between experts of study centers and the experts from other fields in various faculties to increase the active role of the University in national development, (d) Implement the cooperation with various agencies / institutions both at home and abroad government, private, state, and international institutions; (e) Develop information systems of study center for anyone working on either expert users, students, private, and community, (f) Scientific Society: Being a center of study and research in the field of Study Center. Product Development and Innovation, through various activities including discussions, genera l lectures, seminars, workshops, training, and cooperative research; (g) Industrial Society: Being an institution that can help the Society for Industrial Product Development and Innovation. Work Program Service provided by Study Center: Education: (i) Help develop subjects related to the field of Study Center in various faculties, (ii) Holding seminars, symposia, workshops, and other scientific meetings as a vehicle for community and science development, (iii) Publishes journals and another appropriate communications media; Research: (i) To submit a research proposal to the parties involved, (ii) Conduct a study to obtain the form of resource management in different scientific areas, (iii) Develop appropriate technological review in the field of study center management, (iv) Establish cooperation research with research institutions related Community Service: (i) Cooperating with the central government, local governments, state enterprises, public enterprises, private enterprises, and others to seek solutions to problems encountered in this field, (ii) Providing training services to the executor in the field, (iii) Building a network that cares about the field of Study Centre. Organization and Human Resource of Studies Center:Ãâà Study Centre is directly under the Rector not under the management of a particular faculty anymore, but the human resources are still borrowing from existing personnel in the various faculties at a university. From the SWOT analysis conducted on Study Center at the University in its efforts to strengthen the relationship university industry and government, it can be concluded that: Strength of the existence of Study Center in Higher Education are: (1) Allows for a review of an area in an integrated and interdisciplinary problems, (2) Being a vehicle for the gathering of experts to discuss an integrated knowledge to form a specific scientific community, (3) Facilitate relationships with the world outside the university, so it does not require a long bureaucratic, (4) the accumulation of matter, materials, or references associated with a particular problem areas, Weaknesses of Study Center in Higher Education: (1) Unavailability of human resources remain to be still in the organizations of Study Center. The existing personnel are those who are usually have a baseline on a particular course. So the presence in the Study Centre is just a side job, (2) Unavailability of an adequate budget for the Study Center in conducting its activities, so it will be a burden for Study Center because they must absorb funds outside the university to finance their activities, (3) The absence of workload analysis of the lecturer who are not only burdened with duties as a lecturer as the main task but also do research to fulfill the demand of the society; (4) The topics of research conducted by the study centers were more likely to an order from society, so the possibility of innovative research ideas become stunted existence. This right includes freedom to be creative from the lecturers to be somewhat less obstructed, (5) the highly dependency in the case of fund ing to the government through a grant from DIKTI or Research and technology Ministry. Opportunities that can be achieved with the existence of Study Center in Higher Education: (1) Availability of funds that exist in every state as a form of corporate social responsibility towards the community, (2) The existence of new opportunities for universities to move to a more central position in society. For instance research as a source of new knowledge for the knowledge economy. In the era of globalization, economic competitiveness increasingly depends on innovation. Innovation in turn is often interesting both on scientific and technological knowledge. University, as the main source of new scientific knowledge, hence has a chance to play a more central role in contributing to innovation, competitiveness and economic development, (3) allow the external demand for Higher Education and continuous learning skills. In order that a company can produce a competitive product, it must continuously keep innovating so their product can be accepted by society, so Higher Education thro ugh their Study Center should be ready to increase the knowledge and skills continuously to create higher added value products that produced, (4) The existence of new information and communication technologies that could revolutionize the ways of lecturer teaching and learning to be more sophisticated. Using sophisticated technology, Higher education can offer new ways that may be much more effective for lecturers in providing good teaching in the classroom. Sophisticated technology can also start changing the process of research and knowledge production in a number of ways. These include a dramatic increase in the modeling and simulation to complement traditional experimental approaches, as well as enhance the ability of researchers to collaborate in larger groups in distance in a more effective way. The threats of the existence of Center for Studies in Higher Education: (1) Increased pressure on universities to meet the needs of the community and in many cases more specific industry needs. Some see this as an important threat to the autonomy of universities and basic research and long-term survival of science (eg Ziman, 1991 1994), (2) The second threat seen from the effects of globalization itself that characterized by the development of new information and communication technologies growing rapidly, which makes the students demanded a possibility of continuous learning after they finish studying in Higher Education, or it can be said that the increase in expectations of students to not only learn in their Universities but also want to continue straight to work, career in industry-related scientific, (3) The possibility of weakening the relationship between research and teaching. As pressure builds on academics to teach more students, to teach more efficiently, and to provide the specific skills required by the economy and society, may having adverse consequences for research. Conversely, the pressure to conduct research (often associated with national priorities, whether economic or social) and to publish (both to improve the career prospects of individuals or research institute) can lead to less emphasis in teaching. DISCUSSION The result showed by the SWOT analysis conducted on the existence of Center for Studies in Higher Education in order to produce knowledge and innovation, there is a factor of considerable strength and opportunities, although it still must be also addressed the existence of barriers or weaknesses and threats that exist. This is very useful to be able to formulate what strategies should be used for the linkage of the three pillars of the triple helix model is becoming increasingly apparent. The Triple helix facilitates the creation of mutual collaboration between the three parties involved. With the triple helix, expected a more open relationship and mutual benefit can be made à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ ¹Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ ¹between the academics and the government, academics and business, and business and the government, so that the role of higher education is not hampered by structural constraints in the implementation of functions in addition to education and teaching as well research and commun ity service. In a changing environment, universities as the main source of new knowledge and skills are necessary for the creation of knowledge-based economy, because the university could almost be a machine of economy itself. In this scenario, the university rather than under threat, but will become more central. A Study Center for Studies in higher education actually has the higher ability to conduct research and development in the field of science and technology, because here are usually available sophisticated science and technology infrastructure and high-quality human resources are relatively sedentary and expert in their areas of knowledge. However, because the research requires funding not less, and always expect the government research grants are not possible, then they have to look for new breakthroughs happen (Pranyoto, 2008). Register and take care of Patent Rights from the results of research conducted can be an alternative answer. In addition to creating the phenomenon of triple hel ix in university, industry and government, can be pursued for example a company hires an academics to become a business people, or vice versa, or it may be possible that governance staff become an academics at the University. This can happen only if there is mutual openness and mutual collaborative cooperation between the three parties. The above description was consistent with the explanation Etzkowitz Leydesdorff (1995), regarding third-party linkages in the triple helix model of this. Explained that if for example there is an established industry based on the triple helix model would have to allow for the process to stimulate innovation in academician, business, and government (ABG) as the main actors in innovation systems. Therefore, synergized cooperation Among Those three actors is expected to occur, so in the long term, industry will have high competitiveness through its capability to innovate. Some Important features of this model mainly include: (1) ABG Transformation in relation to result in knowledge. Role of the parties INVOLVED is more on the integrated relationship than the transfer of knowledge through intermediaries, (2) Recursive interaction. Relationships Among the parties are more in form of continuous development process, (3) Vague roles and Limitation (fuzzy border) among actors. University, fo r example also takes its role in developing entrepreneurial, while private has its role in academic dimension, (4) Micro-level of analysis in an institutional context. This institution is not only related to organization but also relationships, interaction, and rules / policy, and other aspect like norm and tradition. Another perspective that tries to explain the changing role of universities as producers of knowledge is the conceptual framework presented Leydesdorrff and Etzkowitz (2001). According to this perspective the stronger linkages between universities, industry, and government can be modeled with a triple helix. In this model, university viewed as has taken a new role (in addition to the role of teaching and research), namely the role of contributor to economic development. According to Etzkowitz (2008), this new role, often referred to as entrepreneurial university, which is the second revolution in the development of the university (Mode 2). The first revolution occurred when the university which was originally only served as a place of teaching (Teaching University), then take the role of research (Research University), and subsequently the university began to take on missions contribute significantly to the economy in this era. CLOSING The existence of Study Center in Higher Education as a container of interdisciplinary study in a particular field, it actually has considerable potential to play a role in the development of science and technology. The existence of Study Center in Higher Education was proven in improving the linkage University Industry Government. Triple helix facilitates the creation of mutual collaboration between the three parties involved. It is hoped that a more open relationship and mutual benefit can be made à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ ¹Ã ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ ¹between the academics and the government, academics and business, and business and the government, so that the role of higher education is not hampered by structural constraints in carrying out the functions of research and community service in addition to the function of education and teaching . Universities are expected to take his new role as entrepreneurial university, which is the second revolution in the development of the university (Mode 2). Bibliography Etzkowitz, H. and Leydesdorff, L. (1998), The Endless Transition: A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations, Minerva 36, 203-08. Etzkowitz, H. and Leydesdorff, L. 2000. The dynamic of innovation: from National System and Mode 2 to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations.Ãâà Research Policy 29. Etzkowitz, H., Leydesdorff, L. (1995). 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Saturday, January 18, 2020
Natural Environment and Campbell Soup Essay
Why do some business firms pursue a triple-bottom-line outcome while others focus only on profit maximization? Please, use a real company example to illustrate your points. The triple bottom line outcome focuses on the concept where firms are environmentally conscious and socially responsible by achieving a balance between profits, avoiding damage to the environment, and achieving social benefits (Douglas, 2012). Traditionally, firms focused on profit maximization to achieve profits to pay out dividends and capital gains so shareholders can buy things. In a recent article, Nursing Homes are overbilling Medicare $1.5 billion a year for treatments patients donââ¬â¢t need or never receive. When nursing homes where for-profit, 30% of claims sampled were considered improper while non-profit nursing homes estimated only 12% (Waldman, 2012). Jill Horwitz, a professor at the University of California stated that for-profit health care providers are more likely to pursue money in any way possible, even by pushing the legal envelope (Walkman, 2012). There are still for-profit companies who pursue a triple-bottom-line outcome. Campbell Soup Company has been environmentally conscious and socially responsible since 1953. The Campbell Soup Foundation has been supporting local communities where employees live and work financially. Campbell Soupââ¬â¢s headquarters is located in Camden, New Jersey where they donate approximately $1 million each year to impact the local residents in a positive manner (Campbell Soup Foundation). They focus on hunger relief, childhood obesity and youth-related programming. Not only does Campbell Soup invest in its local communities, they also partner is many non-profit organizations like the Boy & Girls Club and the United Way. Customers can influence firms to pay more attention to the preservation of the natural environment by emphasizing how important the community and environment in which they live are. Many organizations are now trying to go green. They are making products that use fewer materials and are less harmful to the environment. If customers refuse to buy products from organization that do not value the environment, organizations will change to customerââ¬â¢s needs. Along with not buying products, customers should not invest with companies who do not value the environment and communities. ââ¬Å"Economists incorporate the triple bottom line into their models of business decision making by assuming that many individuals will buy shares in companies that achieve the triple bottom line outcomes they want and will sell shares in companies that do notâ⬠(Douglas, 2012. Pg. 7). References Campbell soup foundation. (2012). Retrieved from Douglas, E. (2012). Managerial Economics (1st ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. This text is a Constellationâ⠢ course digital materials (CDM) title. Waldman, P. (2012, December 31). For-Profit Nursing Homes Lead in Overcharging While Care Suffers. Bloomberg. Retreived from 1. Firm Objectives Why do some business firms pursue a triple-bottom-line outcome while others focus only on profit maximization? Please, use a real company example to illustrate your points. Guided Response: In 300 words or more, please, provide your response to the above discussion question. Comment on how customers can influence firms to pay more attention to the preservation of the natural environment. Respond substantively to at least two of your classmatesââ¬â¢ postings. Substantive responses use theory, research, and experience or examples to support ideas and further the class knowledge on the discussion topic. 2. Decision Making Under Uncertainty To save on gasoline expenses, Edith and Mathew agreed to carpool together for traveling to and from work. Edith preferred to travel on I-20 highway as it was usually the fastest, taking 25 minutes in the absence of traffic delays. Mathew pointed out that traffic jams on the highway can lead to long delays making the trip 45 minutes. He preferred to travel along Shea Boulevard, which was longer (35 minutes), but rarely had traffic jams. Edith agreed that in case of traffic jams, Shea Boulevard was a reasonable alternative. Neither of them knows the state of the highway ahead of time. After driving to work on the I-20 highway for 1 month (20 workdays), they found the highway to be jammed 3 times. Uncertainty is when the potential outcomes are not predictable and/or the probabilities of these outcomes are not estimable ahead of time (Douglas, 2012). * I-20 = 25 minutes w/o delays (25 minutes * 365 days = 9,125 minutes) * I-20 = 45 minutes w/ delays * Shea Boulevard = 35 minutes w/o delays * 1st month of travel there where 3 traffic delays assuming 20 workdays each month 1. Assuming that this month is a good representation of all months ahead, should Edith and Mathew continue to use the highway for traveling to work? * 3 jams (workdays) * 45 minutes = 135 minutes * 17 workdays * 25 minutes = 425 minutes * Total = 560 minutes compared to * 20 workdays * 35 minutes = 700 minutes when taking Shea Boulevard. Edith and Mathew should continue to use the highway because they save 140 minutes each month. 2. How would you conclusion change for the winter months, if bad weather makes it likely for traffic jams on the highway to increase to 6 days per month? * 6 jams (workdays) * 45 minutes = 270 minutes * 14 workdays * 25 minutes = 350 minutes * Total = 620 minutes compared to * 20 workdays * 35 minutes = 700 minutes when taking Shea Boulevard. Edith and Mathew should still continue to take I-20 during winter months because they will continue to save time. They will save 80 minutes of time taking the highway during winter months. 3. How would your conclusion change if Mathew purchased a new smart-phone app that could show the status of the highway traffic prior to their drive each morning, thus reducing the probability of them getting into a jam down to only 1day per month (where on this day, the app showed no traffic jam, but a jam developed in the meantime as they were driving along the highway). The conclusion would change in that Edith and Mathew should take Shea Boulevard on days in which they know there is an accident ahead of time. Either way they should continue to take the highway unless they discover accidents ahead of time. Non-Winter * 1 jams (workdays) * 45 minutes = 45 minutes * 17 workdays (highway) * 25 minutes = 425 minutes * 2 workdays (Shea Boulevard) * 35 minutes = 70 * Total = 540 minutes compared to * 20 workdays * 35 minutes = 700 minutes when taking Shea Boulevard. Winter * 1 jams (workdays) * 45 minutes = 45 minutes * 14 workdays (highway) * 25 minutes = 350 minutes * 5 workdays (Shea Boulevard) * 35 minutes = 175 minutes * Total = 570 minutes compared to * 20 workdays * 35 minutes = 700 minutes when taking Shea Boulevard. 4. Further, comment on how the conclusions of this problem will change if there was no uncertainty and the highway always had traffic jams, whereas Shea Blvd was always traffic jam free? Is this scenario realistic and why? Respond substantively to at least two of your classmatesââ¬â¢ postings * 20 workdays * 45 minutes (I-20 w/ jams) = 900 minutes. * 20 workdays * 35 minutes (Shea Boulevard) = 700 minutes. If this was the case, Edith and Mathew would take Shea Boulevard every day. The scenario can be realistic because construction could incur at some point throughout the year cause delays and an increase in accident rates. References Douglas, E. (2012). Managerial Economics (1st ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. This text is a Constellationâ⠢ course digital materials (CDM) title.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Benefits of Good Essay Topics for America in the 1600s
The Benefits of Good Essay Topics for America in the 1600s Good Essay Topics for America in the 1600s Explained The limitations of such a broad-brush exercise needs to be clear to anybody, and hopefully this is going to be a platform to start a personal exploration of our forgotten history for everyone interested. It's not essential for folks to specialize in specific regions to get along in their lives since they can be certain that there's always a demand to niche skills to supply them with more freedom of choice. One of the chief reasons why it's alive is there are endless opportunities that folks get on a daily basis. Every day trying to find a dwelling of their interest. However, in the event you encounter difficulties and you really feel as if you demand a sample paper, don't be afraid to ask for our help! The only remedy to this issue is to eliminate racism. The writing process is going to be a pleasure, and your reader will delight in reading your bit of academic writing. This 2-step process will ensure you get going on the correct foot, but don't forget the essentials of sound writing. How it is possible to help writing 1. Professional writers just want to use the ideal research materials for their work. When seeking to write like an expert writer you would like your work to look its very best. Second, get in contact with the writing experts at custom-writing. Inside this regard, nobody can deny existence of something which goes past the human mind and consciousness. Initially it was hard to learn the breaking point. Now there isn't any pressure in making the essay perfect, but you receive a notion of what your final copy will look like. Ultimately, you can become overwhelmed. The Meaning of Good Essay Topics for America in the 1600s The American dream has always been a significant part the culture and society in the us. Regardless of this, you'll still have to write about history. Don't overlook the dream of novelty. Inspect the historical importance of the number 13. A number of other nations envy a nation or consumers and producers because only a number of them is able to match the sheer selection of products that America makes. The usa has been an overseer of several nations. The Naturalization Act of 1790 allows any absolutely free white person of very good character, that has been dwelling in the USA for two decades or longer to submit an application for citizenship. These are a small handful of the broad collection of topics that it is possible to write about for history class. Alongside the topics, you'd come across loads of papers at no cost. There's plenty if useful information regarding the Web. Make your list as long as feasible take a brief break. Many history essay topics are too big for a couple pages. Deciding on the correct essay topic can occasionally be rather hard. Take into consideration the subject of the history essay you've already written before. If you would like to write a very good history essay you'd better pick a topic that's familiar to you. It isn't even essential to attend any college. This way you'll limit your topics to the one which is most appropriate for you. There are several more topics that can be of interest to a 10th grader. Start looking for the international history essay topics in the news or on the internet. Introduction with the potent hook and thesis statement stays the same. It's possible for you to concentrate on any part of your essay that you want to do first like the conclusion or the introduction. You will consist of discussion points under each section, which can help you write your paragraphs. An outline makes it possible to write your paper from beginning to end.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Analysis Of The Article Death And Dying By Matthew...
In the article ââ¬Å"Death and Dying in Literature,â⬠John Skelton stated, ââ¬Å"One of the central tasks of literature is to impose a structure on life and death, giving meaning to bothâ⬠(n.p.). Many literary works, including poems, focus on death in one way or another. This is true for ââ¬Å"Dover Beachâ⬠by Matthew Arnold and ââ¬Å"Because I could not stop for Deathâ⬠by Emily Dickinson. ââ¬Å"Dover Beachâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Because I could not stop for Deathâ⬠provide varying perspectives on the topic of death. In ââ¬Å"Dover Beach,â⬠Arnold attempts to portray how death, sadness, and suffering have resulted due to the worldââ¬â¢s loss of faith (Shmoop Editorial Team). In ââ¬Å"Because I could not stop for Death,â⬠Dickinson views death as an event that everyone must face (Shmoop Editorial Team). Throughout their respective poems, Arnold and Dickinson use elements such as rhythm, symbols, and tone and style. These elements all wo rk together to establish each poemââ¬â¢s perspective on death. To fully understand each poemââ¬â¢s view on death, it is important to first look at the rhythm used throughout each poem. In ââ¬Å"Dover Beach,â⬠the rhythm changes as the poem goes on (Shmoop Editorial Team). For most of the poem, Arnold uses some form of iambic meter; however, the pattern sometimes breaks part way through some lines. This break in the pattern causes a form of chaos within the poem that represents the suffering that Arnold describes as having occurred due to loss of faith. Unlike the often broken pattern used by Arnold,Show MoreRelatedwisdom,humor and faith19596 Words à |à 79 PagesGenuine humor is replete with wisdom.â⬠Mark Twain, quoted in Opie Percival Read, Mark Twain and I (1940), 17. ââ¬Å"Humor offers both a form of wisdom and a means of survival in a threatening world. It demands that we reckon with the realities of human nature and the world without falling into grimness and despair.â⬠Roger Shattuck, The Banquet Years: The Origins of the Avant-Garde in Franceââ¬â1885 to World War I, rev. ed. (1968), 248. ââ¬Å"Humor is, in fact, a prelude to faith; and laughter is the beginningRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words à |à 760 Pages.............................................................................................. 144 Seeking a Second Opinion ............................................................................................................ 147 Trust Me, I Know It on Good Authority ..................................................................................... 149 Suspending Belief...................................................................................................................Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 Pagesreferences. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)ââ¬âISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)ââ¬âISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modernââ¬â20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social historyââ¬â20th century. 4. World politicsââ¬â20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943ââ¬â II. American Historical Association. D421.E77 2010 909.82ââ¬âdc22 2009052961 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciencesââ¬âPermanence of Paper for PrintedRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words à |à 1617 PagesClaudia Fernandes Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Marketing Assistant: Ian Gold Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Senior Production Project Manager: Kelly Warsak Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Ilene Kahn Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Interior Design: Suzanne Duda and Michael Fruhbeis Permissions Project Manager: Shannon Barbe Manager, Cover Visual Research Permissions: Karen Sanatar Manager Central Design:Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesSarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury VP Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr
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